Fear the Walking Dead: Zombies [Part 3]

ftwd_03_paint_thumbMy original goal with the Fear the Walking Dead zombies/infected was to build a whole army of these scary things over the course of the show. I was specifically choosing the ones who had names. There were plenty of other crawlies in Season One, but they were all nameless munchers. I wanted to try to keep the monsters more personalized.

I was fairly slavish about detail on this series. There was plenty of reference to work from. I had to improvise some (like Kimberly’s shoes–we never see her feet). Otherwise, I tried to make things pretty accurate.

Season Two concluded a couple of weeks ago. Given that I didn’t finish Season One, it’s not likely I will pursue this. The show is okay–it has its moments, but it’s lost its new car smell in terms of making paper dolls. I may yet finish some of the dolls. Liza and Nick are done; Travis, Madison, Ofelia, and Daniel are kinda half-done.Ā  The rest I drafted, but never painted (Chris, Alicia, and Strand). It’s doubtful I will go back to those.

So last/not least: meet Susan and Kimberly. emoji_scared
And have a Happy Halloween!

[Click the picture to download the plate, or the Fear the Walking Dead tag to see related posts.]


Fear the Walking Dead: Zombies [Part 2]

ftwd_02_paint_thumbMoreĀ not-zombies, as promised, from Season One of Fear the Walking Dead.

Dredging these up has reminded me how labor-intensive they were. For this series and Empire I was doing all watercolor work. Which I absolutely love, don’t get me wrong. But it is intensive. Something made with markers (especially something like Judy) can travel easy, it’s not messy, etc. But with paint you need a fairly fixed workspace, you need water, you need a bigger variety of tools, etc.

With these I at least did blackline inks. I intended to do “color your own” plates for the series, but it literally doubles the work. And after feeling the burn from the Star Wars dolls, I decided I’m much too lazy for that. But I already made the uncolored plates for the “infected”, so I might share them Halloween day.

The guy on the right is my favorite. He’s also the goriest, so you’ve now seen the worst. Tomorrow’s zombies infected are much tamer, I promise.

Today: meet Artie and Peter.

[Click on the picture to download the plate, or on the Fear the Walking Dead tag to see related posts.]


Fear the Walking Dead: Zombies [Part 1]

ftwd_01_paint_thumbLast fall, I worked on a whole series of paper dolls for the AMC spin-off Fear the Walking Dead. I did a lot of work, but I didn’t finish.  It wouldn’t take much to complete the dolls I’ve actually drafted, so I might: just to make sure I don’t drop stuff like this regularly (it’s a very bad habit). I wouldn’t want zombies to come eat my brains for not following through.

So for Halloween over the next three days I thought I would post the Season One zombies. Oh, I forgot, we’re not supposed to call them “zombies”, they’re “infected”. Whatever. I made six infected characters (all the ones we have names for in the series). They aren’t really paper dolls so much as cut-outs since they don’t have outfits or accessories. But they are great companion pieces and I had waaaaay too much fun making them.

I like ghoulish things, but totally understand if this is too much for you, gentle readers. You might want to skip the two posts that follow as it will be more of the same. I promise November will be a kinder month with prettier dolls ~ ha!

For today: meet Gloria and Calvin.

[Click on the picture to download the plate, or on the Fear the Walking Dead tag to see related posts.]

The Walking Dead Paper Dolls: Michonneā€™s Pets

twd04_walker_pets_thumbThis is the final plate I made for the regular Walking Dead series. I wanted to make sure to include some walkers and these two guys are probably two of the most well-known. Mike and Terry knew Michonne before they were “turned” and she used them as camouflage so that she could travel without being harassed. In order to render them harmless, she removed their arms and jaws (pretty gruesome!).

I was going to draw their shirts and the backpacks they carried (Michonne used them to haul supplies), but I never got around to it. But I did add chains, which can go around their necks just for kicks.

Working on this series was fun, but harder than I expected. A good lesson in taking on cultural icons “just because”. When I don’t feel absolutely passionate, staying on focus is difficult.

[Click this link or the image to download a printable .pdf of these costumes]

Next week, I’ll start posting plates from Fear the Walking Dead (in full color). I continue to fall behind and I’ve honestly gotten lazy about it, but I’m determined to get the first season completed before Season 2 starts in April.