I suppose I should have posted the last two Star Wars plates before I took an abrupt sabbatical, but better late than never right? I drafted these posts back in April and then went into a tailspin of life changes. The good news is things are finally gradually settling. Not settled, mind you, so my attention is still a little bit in limbo, but I wanted to at least finish these last of the Star Wars Original Trilogy plates and make the vague promise that I am looking to work on the Force Awakens stuff once I can get organized to do so.
So here’s the last of Luke: his final black Jedi outfit from Return of the Jedi. Luke was probably the first hero I ever knew who decked himself like this (and it must have made an impression since I’ve worn black a lot since). I always thought it made a stark contrast to his previous outfits and solidified his maturing into the Jedi role (it’s very “priestly” in a way). 
Also included on this plate is Luke’s camo from Endor, his final green lightsaber (after losing the blue one in The Empire Strikes Back–though we all know it’s turned up again since then), and a blaster to go with his stormtrooper outfit because I didn’t have room on the original plate.
Apologies again for the loss of continuity between these plates. I have no good excuse since they were complete when I bailed in April and I had plenty of time this summer to post. I was just massively distracted, I guess. I have a lot of work to do drawing the Force Awakens plates, so it could be a while depending on my new schedule. And I honestly don’t know how many characters I’ll do. No matter how much I wanted to include Darth Vader in the mix, there’s just no dignified way of putting Darth Vader in his underwear, so that’s still a project for another time.
I already have Rey and Kylo Ren drawn, and promised a Hux for a friend. I will likely make heads and costumes for the OT heroes since they already have bodies I can work with. Otherwise, not sure who else I’ll draw. I’d like to do Finn and Poe, but there are other things I want to work on. We’ll see how it all plays out.
Will post the last Leia plate shortly, so look for that! You can subscribe to this blog or follow me on Twitter @BootsNBats to get updates.
[Click on each image to download a printable .pdf copy of each plate]
To see all Star Wars related posts and plates, click the tag or the category at right. Click the Luke Skywalker tag to see all of Luke’s plates (this is the last).