For Judy Tuesday we have the final plate for Vol. 25. I really enjoyed drawing these two (though that hand on the “Princess Royale” is a bit of a brutish paw).
I really try not to fuss too much about the Judy plates. If I get too hung up on perfection, they’ll just bog down (like some of my other series have ~ ha!).
My personal favorites of this series continue to be the ones with interesting patterns or detailing. Sometimes they can be a pain to render–I just finished one for Vol. 29 that’s got a lot of horizontal and vertical lines, which are hard for me to draw these days; just can’t draw a straight line to save my life anymore and I’ve never liked the absolute precision of a ruler.
But anyway, say goodbye to the 1870s! We’ll be mostly firmly entrenched in the 1880s from here on out with Judy.
As usual, to find all the plates in this series (and the dolls themselves) click on the Judy tag down below.
[Click this link or the image to download a printable .pdf of these costumes]